Thursday, February 12, 2015

Making Storage Beautiful - Part 1: The Inspiration

It's no secret I've been a neglectful blogger, with no published posts between May 2013 and January 2015.  But while my documentation and sharing has been scarce, I have moderated and replied to comments left on various past posts as well as follow my other favorite bloggers.  I've also spent time in my Sewing Room doing...stuff.  Most of my creative energies have been spent making my space organized, visually appealing and creatively inspiring.  On that note, I'd like to share with you the detailed process I follow in making my pattern storage boxes.

I'm not sure if I shared this on earlier posts, but I own approximately 600 patterns, and that doesn't count the additional ones I purchased through eBay in January.  Developing long-term and functional storage has been an evolving process I outlined for you on The Pattern Storage Challenge, and continued with Pattern Storage Nirvana where I shared that I finally found a solution for functional, yet highly frugal, storage by converting discarded box cartons into decorated storage units.  I didn't, however, share details about my process.

Well, Kim Jackson wanted to know more about the process, and posted the following comment.  Making a video is a highly task-oriented process - set up, demo swap-outs, etc. - but I did want to share the process with everyone interested in adopting this as their solution, too.

I wanted to make certain I detail each step, and I felt there is too much information to share within a single post.  So, I'm dividing the process into multiple submissions with lots of pictures and written instruction.  With that said, let me share with you the current version of my storage boxes.

I love the damask print and polka-dot design combination, and the inspiration for it came from a Thank You card I received from my friend, Martha, thanking me for spending time with her during a work-related visit I made to Philadelphia in August 2011.  What you may not know is she's Dr. Martha Soehren, Chief Talent Development Officer, Senior Vice President of Comcast, so to say she's a very busy person is an understatement.  Yet, she has always been approachable, supportive, genuinely interested in the professional and personal well-being of everyone reporting up to her, and absolutely one of the nicest persons I've ever met!  So, I was quite surprised and honored to receive her card.

Beautiful card and envelope, huh?  In fact, this card didn't just spark the design idea for my pattern boxes, but for my entire Sewing Room.  The print combination felt very French to me and seemed to be the perfect platform to honor my Mommy and her native country.  I'll share later how I've incorporated this design into my space, as well as details on creating these storage boxes.

How have you been inspired to design and decorate your creative space?

Be blessed!


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