Wednesday, November 30, 2016

BLC Day 30: Yes! I Blogged Every Day This Month!

I am an admittedly negligent blogger, having gone significant periods of time between publishing new posts.  I've mentioned multiple times my desire to work towards a more consistent publishing schedule, and recognize doing so would require more discipline on my part.  So, when Faye Lewis shared she was participating in the Blog Like Crazy challenge again this year, I thought I'd take it on as well and commit to publishing a new post every day in November.

Oh, what a relief it is!!

I'm so glad to say I've met the challenge but don't mind telling you that it was sometimes a challenge doing on Day 19 when I was just exhausted from my work and travel schedules.  And yes, some posts were simply observations, but the commitment was to simply publish something new each day.

There's an established theory out there which states that a behavior has to be repeated for 21 consecutive days for it to become habit, while recent research conducted at the University College London indicates the habit-forming time threshold is actually 66 days.  Regardless which theory is correct, I hope to maintain a more consistent writing schedule after having met this challenge.  No, I won't say it will be daily; in fact, publishing a daily post really isn't my goal, but it will certainly be more often than every few months - or even years!

Thank you so much for coming here and checking out what I'm doing, my observations, and even my therapeutic venting on current events.  But most importantly, thank you for sharing your comments and words of encouragement.  You truly have no idea how much they've meant to me!

Be blessed!



  1. Congratulations Ms. Aisha! You did it and I'm really proud of you becuase you are so much like me! (My blog suffers from lack of regular posts!). To see you actually make it, was a step for me too! Congratulations again and looking forward to more "regular" posts from you, LOL!! (Whatever that is!)

    1. LOL, thank you, Myra...I appreciate your support and encouragement.

  2. Congratulations! This was quite an accomplishment - I know. You are a great writer and blogger. Will be reading here often!

    1. Thank you so much, Faye, for the compliment. It really means a lot coming from you, and thank YOU for the inspiration.

  3. Bravo, Aisha. I haven't been the great blogger later, but the challenge was too big for me. Ha Ha Ha. Maybe next time I'll accept the challenge.
