Sunday, November 27, 2016

BLC Day 27: Sweater Knit Throw

I recently shared with you details on the pillow cases I made from thrift store sweaters for my Family Room, and mentioned that I wanted to make patchwork throws to accompany the cases.  A while ago, while viewing images on Pinterest, I found this one of the patch-work sweater knit blanket Michelle made and posted on her blog, Yellow Suitcase Studio.  This served as my inspiration.

I then bought another group of thrift store sweaters in September 2015 to make my patch-work knit throw.  Again, I wanted varying knit patterns and patch blocks in different sizes.  After determining the desired dimensions of the completed throw, I used an Excel spreadsheet to design the layout I wanted to follow.  I really wanted this throw to have a random pattern with respect to the knits, size and location in the layout.  Doing random is a challenge for me, so laying out the pattern helped, although there is still a measure of balance here.  Like I said, I don't do random well.

I printed my layout and I created paper patterns for the 3 sizes I used to cut out my blocks from the knit sweaters and used my large washer weights to hold them in place while cutting.

I laid out the knit blocks according to the diagram I created, and labeled each so I could easily identify and assemble them at the serger.

Knowing I want to minimize the amount of stretching on the sewn edges, I've decided to interface each block to stabilize their sizes.  That's where I am now and I will follow up soon with an update on my progress.

Be blessed!



  1. Wow! That's cool they way you used Excel for setup! I bet this is going to be an awesome piece! Good Luck!!

    1. Thank you,'s in progress and I hope to share soon.
